Thursday, December 31, 2009

once in a Blue Moon.

Today, December 31st 2009,  is supposed to be a night of once in a Blue Moon. I have to say that for me it's pretty appropriate. I haven't  had such a good year, like how this one has been, in a while. This year has brought on new challenges, new beginnings, new endings, new families, new hobbies. Well you get the picture, this year brought on many new things that made it exciting. It has shown me many life lessons. Too many to name them all. I just wanted to share with you all that this year... well it was pretty freaking amazing. I can't wait to see what 2010 brings. I hope that this new year keeps this new chapter of my life escalating towards the next.

I wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR !
oh and keep a look out for that BLUE MOON !

These are a couple things that I look forward to in 2010:

1) a fresh start.
2) losing weight.
3) much more writing.
4) passing my classes.
5) editing the Cafe Cultura magazine.
6) new challenges.
7) new surprises.
8) want to take a couple trips.
9) trying to actually focus on my novel.
10) entering NanoWrimo.

What are you looking forward to in 2010?
Cheers !