Saturday, December 26, 2009

inner thoughts.

The people who can hurt you the most are those that you love the most. I can now honestly say that when you love someone you always run the risk of... well risking it all. Love really is a gamble. You play big or go home. Love is... All or nothing. Your either happy or not. But when moments like these come around, you start to think way too much and it messes with your head, at least it messes with mine. I start to doubt myself. I start to think that maybe i shouldn't worry about the little things. But I have to. I cant help but think about the way things are said and the things that are done. The way one acts, always has consequences. Whenever I do something that shouldn't have been done or said, I always face consequences. Those consequences always lead me back to the path where my true self lies, I simply have to learn from them.